Saturday, October 15, 2005

Po ol' New O

Poor New Orleans, hit by yet another hurricane. First Katrina, then Rita and last week Hurricane Brett as Green Bay destroyed the Saints in a painful display of football. I think the score was 107-3 or something like that.

My girl D, a.k.a. Guy in girl's clothing, is still depressed about it. She’s hidden under the covers with a chocolate cake all week. Unfortunately I don't think the levee will be repaired in time for this week's tilt with the Falcons. I better start baking another cake and Joe Horn better call for help.


Anonymous said...

Boo Hoo Boo Hoo, yes i came out just to say i don't care what happens, i will never go against my team. (Ramcrisp) i wear my jersey proudly.
And with a score like the one from last week, the Favre family must've suffered greatly for Brett to have squashed my saints so soundly.
But thanks, hon, for the cake. Could u put a little rye in it next time?

Rycrisp said...

Well, I'm not little. And I don't know that I should be anywhere near your cake. I MESSED UP, OKAY?!! I'm SORRY. It was a freaking competition. Nobody sits next to me at lunch...sniff...go seahawks...sniff...

Strange said...

Let's settle this like the men and women and man/woman we are....on the grid-iron.