Saturday, July 12, 2008

Cranking up the Wadage

Well my friends I'm off for a weekend of.....actually I'm not sure what to expect this year.

It's the first time GIGC and myself have ever stayed overnight at Pottahawk to have a front row seat to all the action which is sure to satisfy and pervert.

One thing you can count on, there will be plenty of pictures to mark this year's celebrations.

Not to mention a new series of spot Johnny Wad, hourly reports, water/urine analysis and a real time titty count.

As a personal challenge, I dare any female, or male for that matter to wear less than this.

(Picture stolen from Mitchieville who stole it from somewhere else.)

I leave you in capable hands as Tyrone Shoelaces continues to report on Private Sector from the road and Jose Marone returns as a special guest to hold down the fort in my absense.

See you Monday.

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