Sunday, August 07, 2005

Tit for tat

I have come under some fire since I started posting pictures of the Mayor on my site. Cries of injustice, of how I’m hurting him in the polls, etc. And me, being his campaign manager and all, how could I do this?

To show you that I am not without a sense of fair play, compassion and sensitivity, I am posting a picture of the Mayor’s chief adversary, Jerry Casby.

This picture is of Mr. Casby’s recent, so-called, political trip to Thailand where he paid a young concubine $80 U.S. to perform this lewd act on him better known as the, "Atomic Wedgie." Obviously from the expression on his face he was not expecting to find the ever present eyes of the paparazzi waiting for him.

I also promise to post an incriminating picture of myself in the near future as a token of remorse to my good friend and frequent bath-house buddy, the Mayor.

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