Saturday, August 27, 2005

Burying Six Feet Under

It’s all over, after five years of what I consider to be the best series on the boob tube ends its successful run. For me it's bitter sweet. It was a 5 year emotional investment in the characters and I’d have to say the final episode was more than I’d hoped for.

Fittingly directed and written by creator Alan Ball, he took it out as he did when he brought it in. It was inspirational, poignant, and still managed to maintain a sense of itself. He avoided too much "cheese factor," and gladly there will be no jumping the shark here. No reunion show, no made for the big screen movie, just a tearful and well deserved standing O, as an ensemble cast of talented actors leave on top and move on to other promising futures.

SFU You will be missed.

Ok...when's the next Family Guy episode on?

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