Saturday, April 23, 2005

What's black and white and read all over?

So this week went ok. Your boss was pleasant to you because his accountants told him of a new loop hole that will save him millions. You didn’t kill anyone in a fit of rageahol on the drive home. The next door neighbors dog didn’t shit on your lawn, and if he did, at least you didn’t step in it this time. Yup! Life this week was pretty sweet and now it’s the weekend. Time to kick back and relax with some well deserved R&R. Just let your mind numb, until the work machine cranks up once again Monday morning. I have just the thoughtless, systemic brain death you need right here. You’ll wonder why you just wasted five minutes of your life playing it.


Anonymous said...

Your weakling approach to life will give you piles.

Ask yourself, how did your boss become a man of strength, power, and wealth? Hmmmm? Seek to emulate his example, and stop dosing yourself with estrogen.

If you are tired of being a rung on someone elses ladder of success, I suggest you abandon this feminst world view of 'man as castrate'. Check your local Fight Club. Conquest ... go get some.

Strange said...

Touche! Well put Fenris B. but I think the Mayor was right when he said, "You need a hug."