Saturday, April 30, 2005

People sell the darndest things

This all started with the announcement that those crazy, bad-toothed Brits were going to show all six Star Wars movies back to back. What is this a Lord of the Rings fest? Even the running time of all six in a row can’t top the director’s cuts of the three LOTR films. Then I heard about this convention in Indianapolis or Indiana or Cleveland. You know some place you’d only stop in if you had your tires shot out from under you. All the hub-bub was over George Lucas actually showing up for the first time in 20 years to promote Episode III.

So I wondered what other kooky stuff those Star Wars fanatics were up to and I came across this ebay item. Strange as that may seem I don’t believe it leads the parade of insanity in the sellers market place. Just check out this other crap.

Let me know which item you take with you to a deserted island...if you had to choose one.




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