Monday, February 27, 2006

CNM #9

This might even be too dangerous for Chuck Norris....what am I saying? Nothing's too dangerous for Chuck Norris. However, today I have a link for those who are not faint of heart.

Angry wasps vs scrotum. And I'm not talking about White Anglo-Saxon Protestants either, just wasps, as in the flying insect that stings your ass vs the tender area of a man. The major control centre of all a man's poignant thoughts and feelings. A place, that when freshly mowed, is a smooth as a baby's bottom, as aromatic as a spring breeze, and as bulbous as a tumour. That's why it is where it is. So it can be vigilantly guarded. Sheltered by legs on both sides, the anus from behind, and our ever watchful eyes in front.

I guess I couldn’t be more self explanatory than that? Or should it be wasps vs scrota? Is that the plural of scrotum? Scrota? At least OBJ only has one to worry about. It's definitely scrotum for him, or maybe scroti?....Ah who cares. What are you still doing here? Click the link already.

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