Sunday, May 29, 2005

Week part 2 (the spawning)

Someone’s finally invented it. The car toilet. It plugs into the cigarette lighter. I wasn’t aware they were still making cars with cigarette lighters. "Damn it! Timmy's in the bathroom again. I know, I'll just go out to the Lexus and take a crap." Any-hoo...they did tests where they sent entire families in a vehicle from England to Italy with one of these new fangled contraptions and they never got out of the car once. Of course the car didn’t exactly smell great when they got there, but they’re working on an air-freshener that plugs into your cigarette lighter next.

A woman in L.A. was pulled over by the highway patrol for putting a 9yr, and 11yr old in the trunk of her car before she drove off. In her defense the women pleaded that she only did it because there was no room left in the car once she got the other seven people into the Toyota. Good thing they didn’t use this family when they were testing out that car toilet.

Hey! We’re number 1! We’re number 1! In polluting the air with lead. Between Sudbury and Timmins, Ontario paves the way for cancer causing pollutants in North America right behind Ohio. A new slogan for tourists perhaps?...Come to Ontario. We’ll fill you full of lead.

Smile you’re on transit camera. That’s right the TTC is going to spend, (little finger to lip), one bazillion dollars, installing cameras in buses, subway and street cars. Soon Conrad Black will have nowhere to go. I also sense a new reality series coming. Bus Route 42 (the Jane/ Finch corridor).

Eddie Albert of Green Acres fame died at the ripe old age of 99. Holy crap! That’s frickin’ old.

The defense in the Michael Jackson Trial rested this week mainly because their efforts to call Eddie Albert as a witness was foiled when he died. If you haven’t been following the months of scrutiny revolving around this circus, I’ll fill you in. The Prosecutors say "He did it," and the Defense say, "He didn’t."

Finally a woman is suing Yahoo for, (little finger again), 3 million dollars. She claims that her Ex posted nude pictures of her on Yahoo and posed as her in chat rooms, enticing men to show up at her work to have sexual relations with her during the lunch break. When she informed Yahoo about this activity, they did nothing and the men kept coming to see her.....All I have to say is, I can’t believe I fell for that. Geesh!


Anonymous said...

Cameras on the TTC:

A good thing, pilgrim. If you are a regular user of the TTC you get to see things like people urinating in the middle of the day, spitting, and more mundane stuff like eatting like primates. The TTC may have noticed that alot of people do not use the TTC for just that reason.

Of course, the next step is to actually do something about the primates who infest the stations, buses, and trains. That will be good to see.

Life was better when they kept mental patients in mental hospitals

Strange said...

I've already started to eradicate the infestation. Didn’t you hear about the shooting at Yorkdale today?