Sunday, May 15, 2005

Revenge is a dish best served cold

Yeah so....Revenge of the Sith opens this week, coaxing the inner geek within us all out of the lunch room in our ass. Christ almighty I’m even going to the midnight showing just so I can sleep through work the next day and take it to the man. Yuppers, It’s all about the Sith baby. George L must be one happy pappy with the green this piece of celluloid’s going to pull in. So here are a few links that you can peruse at you leisure. The first is a blog that the Mayor posted that I found quite interesting and the second has many avenues to occupy your valuable time, but hey, we'll never learn to appreciate life if we can’t learn to waist it from time to time?


The Mayor said...

Did you know that when you Google the word Pottahawk, your site is #12 on the list.

I'm going to use the word pottahawk 500 times on my site this week.

Strange said...

Hey Mayor Google this....dooflingus, dooflingus, dooflingus. I bet I'm #1