Saturday, June 25, 2005

Father's Day revisited

I got some flack over my lack of posting last Sunday, on Father’s Day. First, let’s look at the percentages shall we.

Only 23% take the beloved old man out for dinner.
Only 5% think he’s good enough to see an event of some kind.
Only 3% bother to go out and get a card, (Those mindless, insensitive fucks!)
And an unbelievable, 19% didn’t even know it was Father’s Day in the first place.

So, I ask you, why? Why should I give back to the undeserving masses, when I was denied what was rightfully mine when I slipped my penis into some chick's vagina and slipped one past the goalie? Why?...... Well? I’m waiting.


The Mayor said...

You should celebrate fathers day for no other reason than to support greeting card company's final line; profits.


Strange said...

I already sent them the urine sample, what more do they want?