Saturday, June 25, 2005

All the breast...I mean best

Congrats to Mark and Kelly who tied the knot today on the raging banks of the Highwood river in Alberta. He’s the one that looks like Trent Reznor and she’s the one who looks like she doesn’t work at Tim Hortons.

They were wed by Old St. Nick who due to those bastards at Canada Taxation, now has to moonlight as a minister to make ends meet.

We here at strangedaze would like to wish them much happiness. Did you ever notice that "happiness," sounds like, "I have penis," if you say it quick enough and slur it just a little?
Now they’re off to Mexico for their honeymoon. I’m sure they’ll return with a nice tan and a touch of diarrhea.


The Mayor said...

Wow, I didn't know they were going to get married.

All the *I have penis* to the new couple.

I have penis, I have penis.

Hehe, even typing it fast is funny.

Strange said...

Yes....and all so I could start my Pottahawk countdown.