Thursday, June 14, 2007

Double shot

I was just over at Mitchieville looking at Reg's post about US spelling bee champ Kevin O’Dorney and I'm thinking to myself, there's some other words this kid will have to spell frequently in his lifetime: L-O-N-E-R, F-R-E-A-K, T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-T, R-A-P-I-S-T, M-U-R-D-E-R-E-R, I-N-C-A-R-C-E-R-A-T-I-O-N....Just to name a few.

Anyhoo, it's come to this. My final "They sure didn't make toys like that when I was a kid" post. And for you, just for you....that's right I'm pointing at you right now and know one else, Timmy, Susan, Mayor, GIGC, Reg, Jeff, Mohammad, Anonymous blogger link guy/girl.

Let's get on with it.

Personally, I'd skip the "Flesh Drink" (Damn Japanese!) and go for Garfield. Now that I think of it, I'm deeply saddened I didn't have a toy like that when I was a kid.


Anonymous said...

I have a confession Strange, when I think of Private Sector the song 'Private Dancer' by Tina Turner plays in my head.

I totally don't remember the Garfield thing but it looks depraved so I like it.

Strange said...

As long as we don't make you think of big hairy men in a tub together naked, you are forgiven.