Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Will the real strangedaze please stand up

I’d like to take you back in time one year, to when I decided to concoct a Blog.

What to call it?....hmmmm.

Thus, Strangedaze was born and I’ve been blogging ever since. But it was not that easy my friends– oh no. You see, someone else already had that moniker. However, I was forced to add the 101 in there to differentiate between the two. All the while feeling cheated and violated.

It’s the same feeling you had when you tried to get your first hotmail account and thought you’d be oh-so-shrewd by creating ipnightly@hotmail.com , remember? Only you found there were thousands ahead of you.
Now you were forced to add extra letters, or numbers, or numbers and letters. All to get something remotely similar. Bastards!

I mean just go look at the original strangedaze. The guy hasn’t blogged in ages. You can almost blow the dust off this thing. Yet he has the comfort of knowing he pushed the enter key long before any other would-be suitors came along.

The therapy was long and intensive, but I managed to push the resentment deep. It’s ok. I’m here, he’s not.

Sincerely, I didn’t post this just so I could rant on about some blog and its creator who, for all I know, was tragically stuck head-on by a bus the very day he created strangedaze. I am posting because I found it interesting when I started to type, "all things strange," into the search engine to see what else was out there in the realm of strangeness.

Here are some of the links I found.
1) All right, that's just creepy. I'm going to lose sleep.
2) These guys better send me a royalty cheque.
3) Actually, I think I'll return to this link and order a few.

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