Saturday, July 09, 2005


First, Lets look at this word Pottahawk shall we. Potta from the Mohawk word pottawachee, which means to go pee in waist high water, and hawk, which as everyone knows, is a fast flying bird of prey.

There you have it. Pottahawk: to pee quickly in water.

With all this babble about the blessed event, I have been informed, I’m close to the top when you Google Pottahawk. Therefore , I feel it is my duty to help out my fellow Googlers who might be interested in joining the fun this weekend. Following, are the directions to the Pottahawk Piss-up.

Take the QEW to the 403- exit the ramp that says Turkey Point Subterranean Tunnel. (This is the quickest way. Trust me.)
Take dirt road nine past the farm house and the tree that looks like Ernest Borgnine.
Turn right at the rock. Ignore the transvestites otherwise you may not get there in time, (I missed 2003 because of them).
Turn left at the German beer garden called "Wunder Bar." If you find your vehicle in the lake at this point, it’s because you’ve gone too far.
Now listen, you’re almost there. There will be a check point with a sentry on duty. He’s a tall John Holmes-lookin'-dude. You need the password otherwise he’ll just stare at you and make you feel uncomfortable. Mostly because you won’t know which eye to stare back at. Since I’m such a friend I’ll give you the password to enter. Let’s see....last year it was "Cannonball!", the year before it was "I will not buy this tobacconist, it is scratched." ....Oh yes, this year it's, "I can see you peeing out your vagina." Have fun, I’ll see you there.


Linds said...

Christ, Strange.

You give directions like a Newf.

Strange said...

I also give head like a wait....that's not right...I said it wrong.

Linds said...

Indeed. It was worth saying, though.