Friday, July 15, 2005

Hot week, but not for news

Paul McCartney released a new album this week. It’s Sir Paul’s 20th album since the Beatles and the 17th to cause diarrhea and vomiting.

A new study just out, says that people shouldn’t pay so much attention to studies and take them seriously. you see the paradox?

Let’s hear it for Rockport, Ma., who have repealed a 150 year-old law concerning prohibition. That’s right. Outside of a brief period in 1933 the town has been dry all this time. When you see a good lookin’ woman in Rockport you know she’s beautiful and it’s not just the alcohol talkin’. Now let’s see the town take the next step and overturn that stupid law that says no sex with woodland animals.

Good Lord, the J to the Lo is back in the news. This time over her new fragrance that she says will smell like the, "core of her inner being". The core? Where so many men have visited? That core? Or does she mean the core, pumping blood and oozing innards? Yeah let me smeer some of that on me. Or perhaps the core that lets out the secret burps and farts when she’s all alone. Doesn’t sound too enticing if you ask me. Personally which ever core she’s referring to, I don’t think it’s going to smell very good.

Death of the week goes to Francis Langford, who wowed the troupes on the Bob Hope tour with nothing more than a flash of an ankle. My those were bawdy times weren’t they? She also sang "I’m in the mood for love." She may have even been responsible for Rockford keeping that law in place for so long. I don’t know. But now she’s gone to be reunited with Bob....wait Bob Hope is dead right?

This week’s helpful factoid.: Coke is not a good spermicide.

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