Monday, March 14, 2005

Strange uncensored

It’s a new week and I feel confident enough to express myself in ways that I see fit. The first order of business is to republish Friday’s censored Blog with the same one except this time I’m just going to let it all hang out. No seven second delay for me . If you take offense, so be it. I’m not going to lose any sleep over it. With out further ado here is Friday’s Blog again, unplugged.

I stepped out yesterday to get some milk and what do I see but this woman with huge piles of paperwork we're talking massive mounds of brochures, giving financial advice to passing strangers. So I asked her if I could get a brochure as well as her opinion too, and she tells me to just get in line and she’ll take care of me. I say, Wow! That’s great. But I don’t have any cash. She says that’s ok because she’s just giving advice for free.

Well if it’s free advice then I want a piece of that action. Because I won’t pay to get advice no matter how little it costs. I tell you people, this girl knew what she was doing. She was artful in the skill of dollar cost averaging, and playful when it came to portfolios. I got the best financial advice I’d ever had.

In fact, after she had finished giving me advice I was so excited I turned around and made a deposit right into my RSP. I thanked her for giving me so much relief. I then asked her If I could come back later and bring my girlfriend. I said she'd like some advice too. She told me that she loved to give advice to women also. What a fantastic person.

1 comment:

The Mayor said...

that's disgusting, get a hold of yourself man.