Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Then and now #5

The Shining:

10-Year-Old You Says: I didn't understand this movie at all. I got kind of bored in the middle and started playing with my He-Men.

24-Year-Old You Says: Dude. Seriously, this is the scariest movie you will ever see in your life. I am not joking, dude. I almost shit myself when that little kid started screaming "Redrum!" at his mom. And then you see that he's yelling "murder." Shit man, it still gives me shivers. And those little dead twins covered in blood? God. Sooooo freaky. HOLY SHIT! I almost forgot about the super old nasty-ass naked lady in the bathtub. Could you imagine seeing that shit?!?! You would fuckin' die, dude. You would seriously fucking die. I heard about this one kid who watched this on mushrooms and he had to go to the hospital and he didn't talk for like a month straight. Totally insane. This movie will freak you the fuck out.

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