Not only that, but the paparazzi were in full force trying to capture a picture of the two practicing CPR on one another.
Apparently such a picture was worth 750,000 smackers.
Not one to pass up a financial opportunity like this, I wanted to join the fray.
Despite her protests, as I had to stand on her shoulders and eventually her head, GIGC agreed to help me. With great effort and one final push of my foot to her forehead, I managed to scale the wall surrounding their honeymoon compound.
Dropping to the ground with an audible grunt, I found myself in the back stage area marked "Resticted access! No cameras, or flash photography". Through 50 feet of razor wire, 4 hungry pitbulls, and an angry henchman named Todd, I stealthly navigated my way into forbidden territory.
Finally the quest for the Grail was nearing the end. There they stood just off to the left of the stage, their hands with fingers entwined, their eyes locked in a passionate gaze, ready to engage in a moment of intamacy.
Sweating and bleeding profusely, I struggled to lift my camera with broken arms, (thanks a bunch Todd), to get the picture of Keith and Nicloe’s much sought after lip-lock. An image that had eluded so many of the professional photographers.
And now, I'm happy to say, here is the picture of the tonsil-hockey exclusively for you my readership.
They're right there! I swear! Look at the guy in the blue shirt. He saw them. Does he not look like he's gazing in awe at the eternal spring of new love?
Anyway, send cheque or money order to Strange, care of 10% of the proceeds will go to the youth organization Children for a Better Mitchieville
She looks stunning in that dress, and Keith looks so happy.
Also, my sympathies go out to GIGC's trampled head.
What about my frickin' broken arms?
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