Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Just slip out the back Jack...

Remember that Paul Simon song, "Fifty ways to leave your lover"? The following link has 50 embarrassing ways to die. Other than the #50, there is no connection except embarrassing ways to die is well...pretty funny....and Paul Simon is short and will probably be dead soon, which makes him funny I guess. So there is more of a connection than I first thought, but I'm derailed and way off track here. Check it out.

My favourites are:

-Drowning during your born-again baptism. (Yup that would be embarrassing.)
-Strangling on the finish line tape at the end of a marathon. (Don't have to worry about that one. I can't run around the block.)
-Being burned to death after falling and dropping the Olympic Torch three feet from the cauldron. (Remember when Ali did it at the Atlanta Olympics? Wow that was a close call.)
-Brain hemorrhage while trying to force out a huge turd. (Boy do these people ever know me.)

What are you still doing here? Click the link already.

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