Monday, April 16, 2007

Forget hump day, worry about mound day

So winter is sucker punching your spring on the east coast. It's another Monday and a work week ahead. If you didn't have to contend with the word "Ho" so much from Don Imus last week, now Don Ho is dead and the horror begins anew. You'll never be able to hear "Tiny Bubbles" again without weeping uncontrollably.

In fact, you're in such a bad mood you'd probably kick the hell out of a dead hooker. In all you're probably wondering how this day can get any worse?

I have three words for you my friend: Pubic mound pulling. Go here and see what I mean. Your day just got worse.....Yeoooch!


Reg said...

That'll learn me for reading so fast, I read public mound pulling and thought wtf is that? I know now...

Strange said...

I could have posted tuesday's YouTube instead you know.