Sunday, February 20, 2011

Oscar reviews #4


This is the only nominated film I actually watched three times. The 1st time I was too confused, the second I was too stoned, the third time was just right.

I liked Inception and it will probably walk away with some visual awards, but best film? Forget it. You see when you nominate a movie for best film, but snub the director as the Academy did with Chris Nolan, it's not a great recipe for Oscar dominance.

Nolan seems to be suffering from Jim Carey Disease. For some reason the Academy hates this dude. Remember The Dark Knight, remember Memento? Both films worthy of better results, yet nada.

Unfortunately Nolan doesn't have Heath Ledger this time to pull one out and as far as I know Leo DiCaprio still walks on this mortal coil. So...Chris Nolan the Academy would like you to notice the thumb on nose and the tongue extended.

1 comment:

inMovies said...

Inception was a great movie for many audiences and we definitely have it in our books as Best Picture!