Saturday, February 19, 2005

Lucy, you got some splaining to do

I haven’t posted for a few days and this is what it’s come to, putting something up on the weekend. This is my "me" time and yet, I’m cutting a slice of that pie to blog something.

Actually, serious ghost in the machine this week my friends. I couldn’t get on to post Thursday because my server and my computer are in league with the devil. Oh it was something about a problem in my area, just click on tools, press internet options, blah de blah....sure and if I’d only draw a pentagram on my floor my troubles would be whisked away, right? I won’t bore you further.

Suffice it to say that by Friday I was just too drained to do anything other than drink heavily. Oh the things I had to post It would have marked my first multi-post blog ever. That’s right! I would have been pissing with the big dogs.

I had tons of things to comment on. I had my Just Be post. My Vatican views of their exercise in offering Exorcism courses. I had my Hockey rant that would appeal to 30, 000,000 Canadians and 14 Americans. I had my cleaver rebuttal to the Prime Minister’s gaff of telling Syrians they should get out of Syria. And I had my personal vendetta against those corporate whores at Ebay who cancelled one of my auctions because they said one of my items violated copyright protocol. Gawwd! It even sounds unseemly and I don’t mind telling you it made me feel a little dirty. Those bastards! It was like I was selling babies on the black market or offering bull semen to the highest bidder. There was even the run down of The blog Arena Death as two new blogs faced off in a titanic duel. But it’s all lost...gone, kaput, or as they in Timmins, "Stick a fork in her. She’s done eh!"

Why didn’t I simply post all that today you say, (Hello!...McFly!...Is there anyone home?) Because it’s yesterdays news.

So today in honor of yet another friend’s birthday, ( It was yesterday if you want to get technical), I’ve decided to post a little something that he sent me. I just couldn’t wait until rip-off Wednesday for this one. It’s extremely funny. Check it out at

Do it now, if not for me than for Birthday boy Stu, or those Beelzebub lovers at my server.

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